Liteblue Usps Login.
Newly hired employees, former and current USPS employees all use the USPS employee website at to manage work schedules, benefits, payslips (USPS ePayroll), contact details and more.
We have added a complete tutorial on logging in to the USPS Liteblue portal in seconds, plsu a FAQ section on the most common sign in problems.
If you need help with another online portal, then use the navigation to find the tutorial that you need. We offer help for all major internet platforms, including Liteblue, Walmartone, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail and many many others.
About Liteblue.Usps.Gov.
LiteBlue is an online web platform, used by for employees of the United States Postal Service.
The official website can be found at www.Liteblue.USPS.Gov.
By creating a profile on the platform and logging in to the site, you will be able learn about new career developments, view your benefits, change your Liteblue password, give feedback, view your work shcedule, access PostalEASE and more.
How do I log in to My Liteblue Employee Account?
You will need to know your Employee ID and USPS Self Service Profile (SSP) Password.
New USPS employees must set up a SSP password first.
Visit and change your temporary USPS password to a permanent password. You must Log in to the with your employee ID and temporary password to change your password.
LiteBlue Login.
How do I Login to Liteblue.Usps.Gov?
- Visit the LiteBlue login homepage.
- Enter your USPS Employee ID in the first field and your USPS Self Service Password in the second field.
- Click on “Log On”.
The login page will look like this screenshot:

LiteBlue Login Problems.
Check that:
Your internet connection is working.
- Your CAPS LOCK key is OFF.
- Try logging in again, paying attention to Case Sensitive characters.
- Try logging in with another internet browser.
- Try logging in from another computer or device.
- Clear your internet cache and cookies and try signing in again.
LiteBlue HR Department Contacts.
The Liteblue HR phone number is 1-877-477-3273.
Available to call from Monday to Friday, between 7 am ET and 8:30 pm ET.
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