How to Delete your Snapchat Account.
We are getting unusually many questions on how to delete a Snapchat account permanently. It is fairly easy to delete your account, but your will have to wait 30 days for it to be completely erased.
Deleting your Snapchat account.
If you decide to stop using the service, you will wish to know how to delete Snapchat and your Snapchat account completely. To delete your account, do the following:
- Click here and enter your username and password.
- Check the box next to “I’m not a robot” and then tap on the LOGIN button.
- On the “Manage My Account” page, move down and click on DELETE MY ACCOUNT.
- Enter your Snapchat username and password one last time, then tap DELETE ACCOUNT.
Alternatively, you can also delete your account by logging in on a PC.
If you are already logged into your snapchat account, then:
Go to settings > Account Information > Delete My Account.
Should you change your mind about deleting your account during the 30 day deactivation period, you can login to your Snapchat account in the normal way and your account will be fully restored. After the 30 day period, your account will be permanently deleted and your username and anything associated with it will be irretrievable.
It is also worth noting that during the deactivation period, you will need your username and password to sign in, as you will not be able to change your password or login using your email address during this phase. For this reason, it is recommended that you make a note of these until the 30 days has passed.

Once your account has been fully deleted, simply uninstall the Snapchat app from your device. Note, that all photos, saved freinds and messages in your account will be deleted.
Will all old chat messages be deleted from Snapchat if I delete my account?
Please be aware that if the other person did save the older chat, there is nothing you can do, the old chat will still be visible to your chat friend, unless you ask him/her to delete it also. Please be very careful what you write and share in chats. You never know where your words, or photos, might end up.
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