Facebook Login.
Login and sign up help for Facebook.com. Learn how to log in and log out from your mobile browser, your desktop version and with the Facebook messenger app.
About Facebook.
Facebook is the worlds largest social networking website, established in 2004. Although it started out as a site for Harvard students, its membership base expanded to include students at other universities and then the general public. Since 2006, it has functioned as a global social network for anyone over the age of 13.
The site allows its users to add other users as ‘Friends’, post status updates, send messages to other users, upload and share photographs and, more recently, live stream video content. At present, Facebook boasts more than 2 billion monthly active users, making it the largest and most popular social networking site in the world.
How Do I Create a Facebook Account?
The process for creating a new account on Facebook is fairly simple and begins by visiting the Facebook homepage. From there, you will see a form on the lower part of the screen, which is designed for new users. At this stage, you will need to enter the following information:
- First Name
- Surname
- Mobile Number or Email Address
- Password
- Date of Birth
- Male or Female
The information you use will be linked to your account, so if you enter your email address, that is the method Facebook will use to contact you. Your name is used on your account, allowing friends and family members to find you easily. Your date of birth is required for age verification purposes.
In most parts of the world, you must be at least 13 years old to register for a Facebook account, although the age restrictions on the site do vary, based on local laws. Once you have completed this form, click on ‘Create Account’. You will then need to verify your email address or mobile number to complete the process.
How Do I Log In to My Facebook Account From a Desktop Computer?
Facebook Desktop and Laptop Login.
Once you have created an account, you can use it to login on various devices, including desktops and mobiles. In order to login on a desktop or laptop computer, go to the Facebook homepage and simply enter the email address or phone number you used to sign up in the ‘Email or Phone’ field, followed by your password. Then click ‘Log In’.
Facebook also have a dedicated English language login page here.
How do I log in to Facebook from a Mobile Phone?
Facebook Mobile Login.
The Facebook mobile login process is extremely similar, with users going to the main mobile site and entering their login credentials. However, mobile and tablet users also have the option of using the Facebook App, which can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store. Simply open the app and enter your login credentials.
Facebook does have a mobile optimized login page that can be found here. Use this if the main sign in page or homepage is not rendering correctly on your hand held device.

How Do I Log Out From My Facebook Account?
For security and privacy purposes, it is often advisable to log out of your Facebook account between uses and the process for this is also extremely simple. On the main desktop site, you can log out of your account by opening the ‘Quick Help’ menu in the top right, symbolised by a downward facing arrow. Then click on ‘Log Out’.
The process for signing out of your account on the mobile App is slightly different. To do this, click on the three horizontal lines along the taskbar at the top. Then scroll through the options on the menu that appears. Click on the ‘Log Out’ option, which should be at the very bottom of the list.
How do I log Out from Facebook on all devices?
In order to log out of Facebook from all computers, phones and tablets, you will nedd to:
Go to Facebook Security and Login Settings.
Click on ‘Where You’re Logged In’.
Find the device you want to log out from and click End Activity.
How can I read my Facebook messages on my mobile phone without having to install Facebook messenger?
Facebook recently has begun ‘forcing’ mobile phone users to install the Facebook Messenger App in order to read messages. For many, this raises privacy red flags, and a large number of people want to continue to be able to read their messages on thier cell phone without having to install the invasive app.
This is how you can do just that:
Bookmark https://www.facebook.com/home.php in your mobile phone browser. This page is the desktop view of your Facebook messages. Open this page on your mobile phone whenever you want read your messages without the Facebook messenger app. You may have to zoom in to click on the messages tab.
Common Facebook Login Problems and How to Solve Them.
From time to time, users inevitably experience Facebook login problems and there are a number of possible reasons for this. The first thing to do is make sure you are entering the correct email address or mobile number. After that, ensure you are entering the correct password, paying attention to the site’s case sensitivity.
With mobile login, if you are using your phone number to sign in, be sure that you have included the full number, including any country codes. You should, however, leave out any ‘+’ signs or other special characters.
If you attempt to login through a device you have never used before, you may be met with a Facebook security check, which will ask you to identify some of your friends through their photos. If you are unable to do so, simply close the site and try again later. This is designed to protect your account from hackers and other misconduct.
On rare occasions, the Facebook website may experience server issues, which can make both Facebook desktop and Facebook mobile login difficult or impossible. Usually any problems of this nature are resoled very quickly. If you are still unable to login, it is possible your account has been deleted for violations of the terms of service.
What to Do If You Have Forgotten Your Facebook Password or User Name.
In the modern world, internet users often have various different accounts and passwords on many different websites, so it can be easy to forget your login credentials, especially if you do not use the service frequently, or have taken an extended break from it. Fortunately, an account recovery process is in place.
The most simple step is to reset your password, which can be done by clicking on ‘Forgot Your Account?’ on the main homepage. After entering either your mobile number or email address, you will be able to have a new password sent to you securely through either SMS or email.
If you have forgotten your email address, but also have a mobile number connected to your account, you can simply enter your mobile number instead. Likewise, after you have a Facebook account, you can assign a username to the account. This will then give you the option of entering either an email address, mobile number or username.
Where Can I Download the Facebook Messenger App?
Another service connected to Facebook is Facebook Messenger, which allows those with Facebook accounts to send private messages to one another through an internal messenger service. In order to use this service on mobile, however, a separate App needs to be downloaded to your device.
The Facebook Messenger App is available on any device running the Android or iOS operating systems. You can download it from either the Google Play Store or the Apple Store by going onto the relevant store and searching for the phrase ‘Facebook Messenger’. The App is available free of charge.
How Can I Contact Facebook Customer Service?
If you have any other issues or questions, you may need to contact the Facebook customer service team. The best way to do this is through the ‘Help Centre’ within your Facebook account. From there, you will see a number of options, such as ‘Using Facebook’, and ‘Privacy and Safety’. Click on the option most closely linked to your issue.
From there, you will have access to a step by step guide of what to do and how to make contact with Facebook’s relevant customer service department. If you still do not find relevant help, you can search for the official ‘Facebook’ page in the search bar and send them a message, or reply to one of their posts.
Facebook does NOT have a dedicated customer service phone number or help line.
Go to your browser settings and choose “Private browsing” or open a “New Private Window”. Then log in to Facebook from there.
Can’t get in my Facebook account
facebook lite apps is very important to me. because i want to see my all friends and latest news in the philippines
I logged in and forgot to state that I an English speaking person. So each time I want to login again I find myself on a Chinese speaking page. How can I correct this. Please help or just retain me on an English home page
Why I cannot log in on my facebook account?
I need facebook apps.its very important
my face book app is missing,pls.Help me come back my face book app
pls i need my facebook applacation
i need my fackbook acc
please help me
I want to enter Facebook
Helpme to my facebook acc login
I want to login into my account please help me to open my account back thanks
Great a platform to easily share Information
My Facebook Account Has Been Breached With Another New Account please Help! Fraud I That I Was Logging Into My Facebook Account With Over 4000 Facebook Friend And It Didn’t Recognize My Email Or Password So I Created A New Password And Now I Have A New Account With 20 Facebook Friends I Even Had To Add WHAT HAPPENED!
My account was hacked
Now someone use it
I have trust firends
bkt po hndi mag open ang facebook lite
Can not open my Facebook app on my iPad
I need to cancel a payment on my messenger account. How do I do this?
facebook is awesome!
I am trying to get on my facebook. I could not get on my mothers computer. It would not go to the sign in page. It kept going to another facebook account.
Go to your browser settings and choose “Private browsing” or open a “New Private Window”. Then log in to Facebook from there.
romaticflame.emxxxxxx @gmail.com &0977499xxxx is my account and add phone number please take give me my account.